Oct 27, 2009

Disneyland on Bonnies B-Day

Bonnie and I spent the day at Disneyland for her birthday without the kids. I hope they let us back in the house when we get home.

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Oct 25, 2009

Yum. Dutch oven bannana nut bread

I made some good Bannana nut bread in our Dutch Oven

So good.

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Oct 24, 2009

Lizzy plays soccer.

Lizzy is doing very well this year in soccer. She plays goalie most of the time and is getting good at it. She is trying her best not to let her club feet issues hold her back.

Lizzy scored her first goal of the year tonight and got the game MVP. 6-0 win. The firecrackers are undefeated.

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Eagle project

Scott is on his way to becoming an eagle scout. Today was his eagle project. As you can see we planted trees in the city of Monrovia. It was a good fun project. Scott would like to thank everyone involved. Scott is now one merit badge away from his goal.

-Scott with his Great Grandpa Card planting trees on Alta Vista

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Oct 21, 2009

Liz in a boat 2

Liz didn't want to get out of the sea kayak. Now she wants me to build a bigger pool.

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Liz in a boat

Lizzy got a chance to ride in our friends new Sea Kayak

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King of Hearts

King of Hearts