The pool has now been Dug and Steeled. It has taken several months now for us to get stared on the project but we are finally underway. At this rate we should be swimming by summer. Maybe.
Nov 1, 2006
Well, finally the long awaited pool project has begun. The demolition has stop and the building has begun. Today the excavation crew from Long Excavations showed up and lad out he dimensions of the pool. They started digging right away.
Sep 22, 2006
****** Remember**** most of the time you can click on the pictures to make it bigger.
We are hard at work making the back yard ready to accommodate a swimming pool. All the hard work that I did putting in the built in BBQ and raised planter bed is in the back of a dupster.
We're still a long way from swimming but we'll keep you posted.
Sep 20, 2006
We just love to see Liz run. Run Liz Run. Yum..Yum... It's snack time. Liz just loves oranges. Liz is so excited that her team has just scored a Goal....Yea.... Hugs all around.
Sep 17, 2006
Liz had fun at soccer. She was kicking everyone's shins. The teams aren’t supposed to keep score of the games but if they did, Liz’s team would have won the game 8-1. Liz played a defender and kicked the ball away a few times and took a few girls out. Hey, she’s a Card, what can I say.