Oct 25, 2009

Yum. Dutch oven bannana nut bread

I made some good Bannana nut bread in our Dutch Oven

So good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Randi said...

Is there a reason you didn't post the recipe?????????

nanadover said...

I've never thought about Banana bread
in the dutch oven. I've made corn bread, baked all sorts of cakes, made brownies, made rice pudding, and lots of other things...I'm gonna have to dig out some more recipes!
Thanks for waking me up!:)

Troy and Bonnie Card said...

This was the best bread ever! Who would have thought that the dutch oven could produce something so delicious. I'll dig the receipe back out and post it.

Troy and Bonnie Card said...

Troy Made it

King of Hearts

King of Hearts